Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday, 23 May 2008 - Mint plants

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for mint plants.

Okay. Despite my premature concerns (I'm a worrier), the Kentucky peppermint plants survived our very cold winter. As I inspect the backyard garden on the north side of the house, I discover several new patches of fragrant mint leaves. In fact, I am surprised to see so many.

At the recent plant sale, the herb lady reminded me of mint's invasiveness. I scoffed at her warning because last year's crop did poorly. I even told her that I didn't think the mint would return. She flashed that knowing smile as she advised me to wait a few more weeks.

Now, a week later, I'm a believer.

I don't know if I should celebrate (I keep thinking about drinking mug after mug of peppermint tea or sipping mojitos and mint juleps on warm summer evenings) or complain (surely mint plants are more amenable than weeds).

For now, I welcome the mint plants and exhort them to grow quickly. Of course, I reserve the right to think differently in a few months.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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