Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Wednesday, 02 April 2008 - April surprises

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for April surprises.

The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
You know how it is with an April day.
~Robert Frost

Expect nothing. Live frugally on surprise. ~Alice Walker

The month of April matches March's quirkiness when it comes to weather. In fact, in Colorado, March and April are often the snowiest months of the year. I recall one particularly memorable storm - April 24, 1999. We took days to dig out. T was still a puppy.

They say that, in spring, opportunities sprout like new grass. It's not a promise, but a hope. I'm expectant but cautious, praying for only what I truly deserve. Funny how people expect less for themselves than for others. Guess we don't want to appear selfish or self-serving or arrogant or pretentious. So, I claim very little for myself while wishing for others generous shares of whatever it is that makes a good life.

I've also heard that April is a good month to try new things, to invite serendipity to lunch, to rekindle passion in everyday events, to finish writing my novel and to persuade surprise to dance my way - often. Looks like I'll be busier than I anticipated.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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