Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wednesday, 27 December 2006 - Five things

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for these things:
  1. One last climbing adventure in 2006 (the weather service predicts snow and cold temperatures for the next week - I'll start lifting weights and hitting the heavy bag after my feet recover from today's climbs)
  2. A "back-to-normal" Post Office. No queue at the self-service kiosk so I finally shipped Christmas gifts to family members in California
  3. One organic turkey - the last one in the grocery store (last week's storm postponed nearly all deliveries to local markets so we didn't have a special Christmas meal - I'll cook the big bird tomorrow to make up for the leftovers)
  4. Christmas cards from my cousin, K, and friend, M - they never give up on me even though I don't always reciprocate.
  5. S's new Osprey Eclipse 42 backpack - this morning, we delayed leaving for Red Rock Canyon so he could make a final bid on Ebay (thank goodness he won). His new pack will complement the red Osprey Aura 35 that Santa brought me.
For these blessings, I am grateful.


Photo: Red Rock Canyon - end of the 2006 climbing season (sigh, wipe away a tear) - S and T hike slowly towards the duck pond after our afternoon climbing adventure on The Whale.

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