Sunday, December 03, 2006

Sunday, 03 December 2006 - Miracles and magic

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for miracles and magic.

Everything is miraculous. It is a miracle that one does not melt in one's bath.
~Pablo Picasso

There's a bit of magic in everything, and then some loss to even things out.
~Lou Reed

I don't mean save-your-life miracles or a magician's grand illusion. I'm talking about real-life, everyday occurrences that simply take my breath away.

Like today's masterpiece: snow dusted peaks standing against a scintillating blue sky. It's make-my-eyes-hurt and heart-throb beautiful!

For this blessing, I am grateful.



(top) Blodgett Peak rises above the fenceline.

(middle) T pauses on the patio

(bottom) T looks on while S and I shovel snow from the driveway and sidewalk.

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