Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday, 17 February 2007 - Climbing goals and dreams

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for climbing goals and dreams.

The weather was quite nice today: sunny skies, temperatures in the 30s, slight breezes. We decided to go for a hike in Red Rock Canyon. Our three-fold purpose: to give T some outdoor exercise, to see if the rock is dry enough to go climbing tomorrow or Monday, and to check out the climbs on the Wailing Wall.

The first goal was easily met - T loved every minute of our two-hour+ excursion on muddy roads and trails. The second was also easily met. After examining the rock on the Solar Slab, we were pleased that it was quite dry (though not very warm).

The third goal was more challenging because the Wailing Wall climbing area is off the beaten path but still accessible if one treads carefully. We managed.

At the base of each climb, we paused for several minutes. S read aloud the guidebook's description as we both studied the route. T stood by, patiently chewing on some bushes or tree branches.

Our eyes slowly tracked the climb from the ground to the top anchors. We counted the number of bolts, noted the distance between the bolts, identified each crux and assessed the climb's difficulty relative to our levels of experience (the easiest climb on the wall is 5.10a).

We imagined actually attempting the three easiest climbs. I know that the 5.10a is doable. The other two are real possibilities under ideal conditions. The rest (all 5.11 and above) will have to wait until I learn to fly or turn into Spider Woman.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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