Thursday, November 03, 2005

Thursday, 3 November 2005 - Flexible schedule

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a flexible schedule.

I know that I'm being a bit foolish by knitting well past midnight, but I am anxious to finish the sweater I started a few days ago. However, I am paying a severe penalty when it comes to my schedule.

By getting to bed around 2 AM, I'm sacrificing the pleasure of watching the sunrise and taking T, our chocolate Labrador retriever, on an early morning walk in the neighborhood. I also lose my personal writing time. Oh, how I wish I didn't have to choose between writing and knitting.

I ask T for help and advice (he goes to bed very early most nights - sometimes as soon as the sun sets). He looks at me with his soulful eyes and nudges me gently with his cold nose. Then, in his own special way, he tells me that he doesn't see a problem as long as he gets his walk. Then, he resumes his very important task du jour - chewing on a favorite bone. I guess whatever works for me will work for him.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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