Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday, 20 February 2008 - Youthful enthusiasm

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for youthful enthusiasm.

None are so old as those who have outlived enthusiasm.
~Henry David Thoreau

During yesterday's rock climbing adventure in Ute Valley Park, S and I worked on a very popular but difficult boulder problem.

Soon after we began the session, four young people approached us. One young man asked if he could join in. He told us that he had climbed the route about a year ago and wanted to try it again. We were more than happy to let him take a turn - gave us a chance to rest and watch someone else climb.

Then, one of the young women stepped up to examine the route. We urged her to try the moves she mapped out. And so, for a while, the four of us took our turns on the boulder.

A spectator might have wondered what was going on for here were S and I, the "old folk" baby boomers working with two young people on a boulder problem. That's one more thing I like about rock climbing - as long as everyone has similar skill and experience levels, age doesn't matter.

I want to mention that the young people were very polite and helpful and didn't seem to mind sharing the boulder with people old enough to be their parents. I guess that S and I have not yet outlived enthusiasm.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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