Saturday, July 08, 2006

Saturday, 08 July 2006 - Night out with the guys

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a night out with the guys.

S's cycling buddy, TL, invited a few of his friends (including us) to his lovely home for a potluck dinner, excellent wine and a movie. As usual, I was the only woman there which means the topics of conversation had to extend beyond motorcycles, bicycles and cars. We actually discussed politics (including our favorite BBC America show, The Thick of It), opera, the Tour de France (naturally), summer travel plans (R is leaving for the Grand Canyon very early tomorrow morning), gardening challenges and our wacky weather.

I worried about the movie we'd watch since the guys prefer heavy duty action films that fully exploit the capabilities of TL's 52-inch HDTV and stereo system. I was relieved when the film du jour was the Oscar-nominated Johnny Cash biopic, Walk the Line.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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