Thursday, June 30, 2005

Thursday, 30 June 2005 - Business as usual

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for business as usual.

This has been an emotionally charged week of funerals and grieving and remembering. And, we still have one more service to attend this weekend.

My heart is full and my spirit weary as I sit in my studio trying to finish a poem and start another chapter of my book. The words escape me. So, I stop for a few minutes to consider the day.

I close my eyes and focus on the sounds of our neighborhood - the rumbling of the gravel trucks as they climb the steep dirt road to the quarry, a metal bat hitting a baseball, a group of children whooping and hollering as they run through the park, dogs barking at their latest distraction, the wind's whistle as it swirls through the yard, the snap of curtains whipped by a sudden burst of wind, a lively finch quartet singing its heart out, T's quiet whimpers as he naps near my chair (I bet he's dreaming about chasing that elusive bunny we see each morning).

Business as usual. What else did I expect?

Life goes on and on and on.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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