Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tuesday, 21 June 2005 - T

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for T, our lively and lovable chocolate Lab who became our canine son eight years ago.

This morning, T passed his annual physical with flying colors. Yeah! To our delight, he weighed in at 75 pounds, down three from last year thanks to a controlled diet and daily exercise regimen.

We're also celebrating the eighth anniversary of T's adoption. From day one, he has brought joy and love to everyone he meets. The middle school boys consider him a member of the "in" group because of his athletic prowess.
The girls claim to be his favorite as they vie for his affections and the chance to walk him around the cul-de-sac. He has even won over our not-so-animal-loving neighbors, coaxing a kind word and gentle pat from M and B.

We didn't expect a perfect puppy but that's exactly what we got when T entered our lives in 1997.

For these wonderful blessings, I am very grateful.


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