Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Wednesday, 22 June 2005 - Five things

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for:
  1. My upgraded laptop computer with its new 40 gigabyte hard drive (special thanks to our friend and neighborhood techie, MS, who did the work).
  2. Last night's rain shower. This morning, all the Rocky Mountain penstemons were in bloom, their spiky purple flowers competing with the blue bachelor buttoms for the sun's attention.
  3. Pleasant evenings punctuated by cool breezes, a welcome change from the weekend's oppressive heat wave.
  4. Fresh red peppers, apricots, raspberries, mangoes and red grapes. Yummy! I do love to eat summer's bounty of luscious fruits and veggies.
  5. The beautiful sunrise that T and I witnessed during our morning hike. I felt the sun's healing power on my face, refreshing and energizing my spirit.
For these blessings, I am grateful.


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