Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Tuesday, 8 March 2005 - A crazy weather day

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a crazy weather day.

It's 4 PM MST. T and I just returned from our afternoon walk. The late afternoon sun shines brightly, hiding the fact that a blizzard blew through our neighborhood with a vengeance a few hours ago. At one point during the storm, the world was a complete white-out - all familiar landmarks lost in swirling snow and wind.

Now, everything is awash in sunlight. The sun's glare hurts my eyes as I survey the park and foothills from my window. The north wind continues to blow, whipping its tail against the old cedar fence.

Days like today prove that, in Colorado, weather forecasting is a frustrating profession, more art than science. During the past 18 years, I've learned to respect Mother Nature's spontaneity and surprises no matter the hour, month or season. Coming from someone who prefers order over chaos, that's a very good thing.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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