Saturday, March 26, 2005

Saturday, 26 March 2005 - A lesson in cooperation

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a lesson in cooperation.

I am usually an all or nothing person - that's just my personality. So, when we embark on our daily walks, I view the activity as an important aerobic exercise session. T, however, thinks differently. Most days, he walks briskly and deliberately like he's on an important mission. Some days, he chooses a moderate pace, stopping here and there to sniff the grass or mark a bush. And, at least one day a week, he dilly-dallies along the path, sniffing this bush and that tree as his mood dictates. On his "slow" days, I try to prod him to walk faster, admonishing, "This is a walk, not a sniff!" He doesn't care. He has chosen his pace and intends to keep it regardless of my demands.

So, I've learned to walk with T, and he has learned to walk with me. On his high energy days, we both get a great workout. On his moderately energetic days, he gets a better workout than he expected since he has to keep up with me. On his low energy days, I let him walk at a more leisurely pace, giving him ample opportunities to sniff and mark. In exchange, he lets me pause along the trail whenever I wish. He thinks I am resting, but I'm actually very busy observing the world around us, gathering ideas for this journal and the book I am writing.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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