Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday, 19 July 2007 - One empty nest

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for one empty nest.

Sometime between yesterday afternoon and this morning, the fledglings left the nest. Their Finch parents, not Larry and Mr. not Larry, also left. Didn't leave a note. Didn't say good-bye. Still, it's not like we didn't expect the sudden exodus.

I lift the Christmas wreath from the hook on the front door, noting a messy layer of dried bird droppings where the nest rested against the red paint. I carefully wash the door, taking extra precautions not to chip the paint. I brush more droppings from the well-shaped nest that sits inside the wreath. Then, I sweep the porch and welcome mat. Finally, I rehang the wreath and step back to eye its position. I want to make sure it's hanging straight.

Things, after all, must be perfect if we expect to attract new Finch tenants next spring.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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