Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturday, 12 January 2008 - A sunny afternoon, finally

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a sunny afternoon, finally.

I think that I am getting too old for Colorado winters. This year's prolongued cold spell just wears me out and down. Despite wearing layers of clothing, I'm having trouble staying warm. So much for staying thin for rock climbing and bouldering.

This afternoon, I am delighted that the sun decides to visit our chilly neighborhood long enough to melt some the thick ice patches decorating our street. Downstairs, I stand for several minutes with my back facing the patio door, soaking up the solar heat emanating from the glass panels.

T sleeps quietly near my feet. I think he is dreaming about his next hike through Red Rock Canyon or Ute Valley Park. I bend down and gently pat his head. Sorry, T. It's still too cold for our favorite outdoor adventures. Looks like we'll have to climb indoors for a while.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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