Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday, 22 May 2006 - Rollerblades for Dominic

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for rollerblades for Dominic.

Boy, n.: a noise with dirt on it. ~Not Your Average Dictionary
What is a home without children? Quiet. ~Henny Youngman

Last winter, I bought a pair of heavy duty Bauer hockey rollerblades from one of my favorite Ebay sellers. Although she paid over $250 for them, she used them infrequently on the Virginia Beach boardwalk. Since I was one of her "favorite" customers, she sold them to me for $5. Shipping was minimal since I bought several items from her at the time. I told her that I was buying them to give to one of the boys in the neighborhood.

I think that I knew in my heart that the skates were for Dominic - the 5th grader with the no-holds-barred attitude and booming voice who lives down the street. He's an amazing young man - smart, athletic and a true leader. He visits us often and dearly loves T, our chocolate Lab.

The skates were too big for him last year so I delayed giving them away. A few weeks ago, I noticed that Dominic had grown taller and brawnier. So, when he told me that his shoe size was around an 8, I knew it was time to give him the skates.

A timely decision on my part. Rumor has it that Dominic and those skates are inseparable.

My reward - a personally-delivered, hand-written invitation to Wednesday's ceremony that will mark his promotion from elementary to middle school. I plan to attend.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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