Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Tuesday, 31 May 2005 - A bowl of guacamole

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a bowl of guacamole.

For some reason, I am craving guacamole. Must be my Southern California heritage and love of Mexican food and an honest desire to live closer to my parents and sisters.

There's not much I can do about homesickness - after all, we've lived in Colorado for over 18 years and have developed our own sense of family and place. When I look out the western facing windows, I see the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. We can hike into the National Forest without driving to a trailhead. I breathe clean air and drink mountain water. But, I miss the goings on of family life and helping my parents and watching my niece and nephew grow up.

To fill the emptiness in my heart, I feed on memories - the good ones - the ones that make me smile and giggle. I also eat a snack - a generous scoop of fresh guacamole heaped on a corn tortilla chip (all organic, of course).

Hits the spot.
Closes the door on regrets.
Opens a window to possibilities.
Tells me I can when I say I can't.
Rewrites the ending to my fairy tale life gone awry.

If only. Perhaps. What if. Why not.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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