Friday, December 16, 2005

Friday, 16 December 2005 - Those who serve us

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for the people who serve my family and neighbors.

In this list, I'm including:
  • the mail carrier who delivers our mail and all of my online purchases
    with a smile
  • the UPS man who has a great sense of humor
  • the two men who pick up our trash and recycling each Monday afternoon
  • the person who delivers our newspaper every morning
  • the city workers who faithfully plow our neighborhood streets during and
    after snowstorms
  • the Parks & Rec employees who tend our park
  • the policemen who cruise our neighborhood and respond to our
  • the firemen who, hopefully, will never have to visit us
  • the bus drivers who take the children and teens to school in
    good and bad weather
  • the teachers in our school district who actually make a difference
    in their students' lives

For these varied blessings, I am grateful.


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