Monday, September 26, 2005

Monday, 26 September 2005 - Jack LaLanne

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for Jack LaLanne on the occasion of his 91st birthday.

When I was a mere youngster, my mother watched The Jack LaLanne Show everyday. He opened the show by asking the "girls and boys" to run and get their mothers. Of course, my sisters and I ran to get Mom. We also joined her in the exercises including the face grimaces and jumping jacks.

Now, Jack always demonstrated an exercise prior to a commercial break and told the audience to continue the reps during the break. I always wondered if he actually exercised during the break like we did. As a youngster, I believed that he did. As an adult, I know that he probably did not.

Anyway, Jack LaLanne inspired me to lead a physically active life. I guess that if you begin the exercise habit early, you keep it the rest of your life. Thanks, Jack.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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