Sunday, January 30, 2005

Sunday, 30 January 2005 - Last night's snowstorm

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for last night's snowstorm.

We awoke to nearly a foot of pure white frosting covering our neighborhood. Can you believe it - nearly 12 inches of snow! I had to shovel a path down the driveway just to retrieve the newspapers.

The snow is wet, sticky and heavy, the kind that takes more muscle power to shovel than the dry powder from the last storm. It's also perfect for snowballs, snowmen, and snow forts. My husband and I spent over an hour clearing the driveway and sidewalk while T supervised our work. I like the workout so I also shoveled the sidewalk from our house to the corner. T and I are probably the only ones who regularly use the sidewalk, so I felt obligated to clear a path. Whew! I broke a sweat after only a few minutes.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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