Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday, 12 November 2006 - The best climbing partner

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for the best climbing partner - my husband, S.

As a writer, I know the value of an effective editor/coach.

As a rock climber, I know the value of a great partner/coach who refuses to give up on me (even when I want to abort the climb).

When I complain that I'm scared, he simply replies, "That's good."

When I exclaim, "I'm really, really scared!" he calmly instructs me to take a deep breath before resuming the climb.

When I protest that a move is too hard, he encourages me to try anyway. (I usually succeed.)

And, when I finally succeed, he graciously downplays his role, explaining that I (not he) made the moves.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Photo: Castlewood Canyon - my husband, S, glances at me from the top of the climb we tackled yesterday. He's taking down the top rope.

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