Saturday, December 18, 2010

Happy Birthday, T

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for T as he celebrates his 14th birthday. He is still a svelte 72 pounds who enjoys his daily walks in the neighborhood, snowy days and lots of treats. Always the lover boy, T remains very popular with all humans and younger canine buddies.

T on his 14th birthday

I think that this Navajo chant is T's daily prayer because he lives each day with such delight:
May it be delightful my house;
From my head
may it be delightful;
To my feet
may it be delightful;
Where I lie
may it be delightful;
All above me
may it be delightful;
All around me may it be delightful.
~Navajo chant 
For this blessing, I am very, very grateful.


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