Thursday, December 23, 2004

Thursday, December 23, 2004 - The basics of a decent life

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for the basics of a decent life: food, clothing, shelter and friends. When I read stories in the local press about people who are truly destitute, I have to admit how lucky I am to own a warm house, eat healthy food, wear clean clothes, and have caring friends and neighbors. We also have health insurance (expensive but essential) and money in the bank.

My husband and I have endured our share of adversity while riding the high tech rollercoaster. I lost my last corporate job in the aftermath of 9/11 and, after failing to find a comparable position locally, began a new career as a writer and artist (so far it has yielded high personal satisfaction but little money). My husband was laid-off last June and started a market research company (he's off to a promising start - has one very steady anchor client). As I look back on the year, I am amazed that we made it through without having to dip into our savings. We're hoping for a better 2005 for everyone.

For these blessings, I am so grateful.


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