Saturday, October 20, 2007

Saturday, 20 October 2007 - Monarch butterflies

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for the Monarch butterflies that visit my garden during their fall migration to Mexico.

Late this morning, as S finishes loading our packs and climbing gear into the truck, I inspect the front yard garden. The large helianthus that sits along the north border catches my eye. I notice many orange-hued "things" on the shrub. Upon closer inspection, I realize that the orange "things" are Monarch butterflies, clinging to the long, lacy branches. I assume they are resting and feeding.

I inch closer to the shrub - just want to talk to the Monarchs for a few minutes. Someone must warn them not to linger in the neighborhood. A major snowstorm is heading our way. They really should consider leaving before nightfall.

It's late afternoon when S, T and I return home from our climbing adventure. I feel really good. The near 80 degree temperatures, low humidity and autumn breezes contributed to Red Rock Canyon's excellent climbing conditions. While unloading my pack, I glance at the helianthus. About a dozen Monarchs still decorate the shrub. I hope they move southward before the cold front invades the region.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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