Today, I am thankful that I got through this day.
It's been one of those days.
- Another friend had a freak bicycling accident during his morning commute (he's also one of S's cycling buddies). Although he suffered a concussion and has a badly scraped shoulder, he'll be fine. His helmet - now totaled - did its job. Feels like too much bad karma in the air right now - don't think we'll ride our bikes for a few days - seems the accident gremlins are out in force.
- We met Tom's brother this morning at the hospital and visited Tom. No change. He's still critical but stable; in a coma but no longer sedated.
- My energy plummeted when we returned home from the hospital. After eating a light lunch, I crashed for a few hours - must be the stress. Didn't get much done afterwards.
- I am still fighting the noxious Canadian thistles that have taken over the open space near the park (the developer abandoned the construction site and did not restore the landscape). This evening, while S took T for a walk around the park, I whacked away at the "enemy" with a sickle (S is thinking about buying me a machete). My neighbor and combat partner, Rick, is on vacation so I must battle on alone this week.
Well, that's it for now.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: T is also having one of those days.
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