Today, I am thankful for just one miserable hour.
Our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, and not on our circumstances.
~Martha Washington
This afternoon, misery visits unannounced, heralding the abrupt end to anything good about my day. I'm sure that this visit results from my job hunting frustrations. I'm seeking pity. So, I open the door and let misery in. Stupid move.
I try vainly to think of something amusing or funny to erase the darkness. But, not even lovable T or my beloved garden can change the way I feel or discharge my sadness. I need to let misery run its unpredictable course.
In case you're wondering, my misery does not love anyone's company. Fortunately, I have the good sense to limit misery's visit to one hour - just sixty minutes. I'm getting better about this. Really, I am. Formerly, I didn't set limits so misery's visits lasted for days.
Well, here I am. Teary and morose. You do not want to be around me.
The clock ticks.
20 minutes down, only 40 to go.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: Blue lupine mirror my blue mood.
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