Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday, 08 June 2007 - My garden's resilience

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for my garden's resilience - its innate ability to recover from adversity; buoyancy.

What you forget is that plants themselves want to live as much as you want them to. ~Elizabeth Smart in Elizabeth's Garden

As I reported yesterday, the winds damaged many plants in my garden. Fortunately, they killed very few.

A deep watering revived many plants including two of three cherry tomatoes and the badly-singed brunnera and echinacea. Still others, beaten down by the wind, now sit with perfect posture. And in time, I know that my prized privets will shed the scores of shriveled leaves and grown new ones.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


1 comment:

gurl_in_her_nutshell said... Elizabeth Garden a book?

hehe,visit my blog,
