Today, I am thankful for the color, orange.
Orange is one of those words that famously has nothing perfectly to rhyme with it. The other one is silver.
One of my favorite comics is Hilary Price's offbeat strip, Rhymes with Orange.
I love to eat "orange-y" food including oranges, tangerines, kumquats, carrots, carrot juice, squash, apricots, peaches, cantaloupes and aged sharp cheddar cheese. [Confession: once upon a time, I ate orange-colored, empty calorie foods like a popular but messy Frito-Lay snack and a certain cheese-flavored cracker).
Unfortunately, orange is one color that I cannot wear - probably a good thing since orange clothing reminds me of Halloween costumes. My wardrobe does include blended shades of peach and coral. Pure orange, however, is a definite no-no.
Orange is one color that rarely appears in my gardens. For their showy blossoms, xeric plants prefer every variation of purple, blue, pink, magenta, gold, white and yellow. The one exception: globe mallow.
Both a cultivated (Sphaeralcea munoana) and wild, native variety (Sphaeralcea angustifolia) thrive in the backyard's arid and hard clay soil.
[Confession: At the plant sale, I naively bought two small pots of the wild variety, not realizing that scores were ready to bloom in my garden.]
For this blessing, I am thankful.
Photo: Sphaeralcea munoana (Munro's Globe Mallow)
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