Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wednesday, 21 February 2007 - Extra soft facial tissues

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for extra soft facial tissues.

I awake to a warm and sunny morning. Yet, I feel miserable. Why? Allergies.

An allergen rode in on last night's windstorm. Now, my nose won't stop running. When I sneeze, I sneeze in threes. Achoo! Achoo! Achoo! Post-nasal drip upsets my stomach.

Well, too bad for me. We're going rock climbing anyway. I hope the much anticipated adrenalin and endorphin rush (climber's high) will mitigate this temporary setback.

In the meantime, I'm carefully dabbing the delicate skin near my nostrils with a very, very soft tissue.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Photos: Red Rock Canyon (today's hike/climb)

T and I. Check out my new haircut.

S and T

T relaxes and grooms his paws after chewing on
scrub oak bushes for a few hours.

I contemplate my second ascent of this smeary 5.9 climb.

S waves to me from the top of the climb.
He's taking down the top rope.

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