Today, I am thankful for hardy plants.
I am pleased to report the partial melting of the large "glacier" that has covered my front yard garden for the past few months. I'm finally able to see some of my precious xeric plants. I'm relieved that they survived this winter's bitter cold - after all, they're suppose to be zone 5 hardy which means they can survive -20 degree F temperatures. Now, I'm hoping that the warmer temperatures and wetter spring snows will jumpstart the growing cycle.
Sadly, I don't have much of a budget for new plants for this year's garden. No big order from High Country Gardens this spring. New additions to my garden will come from seeds and plant exchanges with neighbors and friends. I hope to acquire more berry plants. My heart is set on homegrown raspberries, strawberries and goji berries.
While cleaning the refrigerator, I find several seed packets in the coldest corner of the veggie bin. My way of cold stratifying seeds prior to planting. I'm sure they've been there for several months. Which means the seeds will be ready to plant in a few weeks.
I also have the "love lies bleeding" amaranthus seeds that I collected last fall from the backyard garden. Last time I made butternut squash soup, I saved the seeds. And, I may score some free tomato plants after I volunteer for this year's Horticultural Art Society's plant sale.
Anyway, I see that my garden is beginning to take shape regardless of my bank account.
And, like all avid gardeners who live in colder climes, I can't wait to dig up the soil and get my hands really dirty!
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: Red Rock Canyon - my favorite tree stands (or leans) in the center of the photo
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