Today, I am thankful for one more November climbing adventure.
Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
~John Muir
It's a simply glorious morning. The kind of morning that tricks one into believing that the widely anticipated cold front won't arrive today after all.

Bright sunshine. Clear blue skies. Temperatures in the mid-40s. Southerly breezes with occasional gusts.
We rush to Red Rock Canyon for one more November climbing adventure. It's a good one, too. We bask in the autumn sun and climb on the Solar Slab to our hearts' content. By 1:45 PM, we're finally done - sore feet with endorphin-charged, tired bodies.
Excellent timing on our part! Just as S takes down the top rope and finishes his final descent, the cold front arrives. The temperature drops quickly - must be at least 10 degrees colder than it was a few minutes ago. And that's not factoring in the wind chill.

Brrrrrr. It is really, really cold. We quickly pack the rope and gear. After S and I don our warmest jackets, we begin the hike to the parking area. Only T doesn't seem to mind the half-mile-plus jog into the arctic headwind.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photos: Red Rock Canyon - our final November climbing adventure - ideal conditions prevail as we hike to the Solar Slab.

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