Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday, 30 July 2006 - Smaller footprint

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a smaller footprint.

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not every man's greed. - Mahatma Gandhi

I am imperfect when it comes to doing everything possible to conserve natural resources and improve the environment. But, I am trying to do better. Here's a summary of my latest efforts:

  1. On average, I drive less than 25 miles a week (roughly equivalent to using one gallon of gasoline). During the past two weeks, I drove a total of 23 miles.
  2. After washing a load of laundry in our water-efficient front loading machine, I air dry as many items as possible including jeans. I use the dryer only for towels, bedding and heavier cotton clothes like sweats and T-shirts. I also handwash my workout clothes after realizing that I can wash and rinse a dozen items using only one sinkful of water. I hang the wet items in the shower stall where they dry quickly.
  3. I spot-water the front yard xeric garden. I deep-water the backyard flower gardens once a month, spot-watering as needed during the intervening weeks.
  4. We continue to recycle, reuse and refuse.
  5. I buy locally grown food whenever possible.
  6. We take advantage of local hiking and climbing venues rather than driving into the high country for our weekend adventures.
  7. To landscape the southwest sector of the backyard, I planted dozens of native shrubs. Once they mature, they'll complement the native grass lawn we planted when we moved her nearly 20 years ago.
  8. I collect rainwater for the plants by setting out bins on the patio during the monsoon season.
  9. I cut down noxious weeds in the culvert and open space behind our house.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Photo: Young cherry tomatoes (variety: Sugary)

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