Today, I am thankful for that I am finally comfortable in my own skin.
To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. ~e.e. cummings, 1955
Once upon a time, I would not leave the house without make-up, a perfect hairdo and a perfect outfit - even if I was just doing a bit of gardening or shoveling the snow. I was afraid a "significant someone" would catch me the act of being me.
Now that I am fifty-something, I no longer care about the frills. I don't wear makeup unless I'm away from neighborhood (I do, however, l obsess about my skin care regimen). I don't need to wear a designer outfit when I walk T in the park or tend my garden (although I still wear clothes that fit well).
I don't know why I was so worried about my appearance when I was younger. In my "natural glory," strangers still stop to say hello, neighbors still want to know how we are doing and I still work out, hike and rock climb with the guys. I also I spend less time in front of a mirror and more time living.
(Photo - taken during yesterday's hike in Red Rock Canyon. I wanted to capture the sun's last rays as it set over the mountains and the incredible cloud formations. I especially like the patch of blue sky in the photo's upper left hand corner.)
For this blessing, I am grateful.
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