Monday, December 04, 2006

Monday, 04 December 2006 - Mulch

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for mulch.

In October, I dutifully fertilized the plants and spread a thick layer of leaves over the front yard garden. Because the garden is east facing, the occasional blanket of snow melts slowly during the day, deep watering the plants. The mulch helps the ground hold the precious moisture, allowing my plants to thrive even in dormancy.

You shall ask
What good are dead leaves
And I will tell you
They nourish the sore earth.
You shall ask
What reason is there for winter
And I will tell you
To bring about new leaves.
You shall ask
Why are the leaves so green
And I will tell you
Because they are rich with life.
You shall ask
Why must summer end
And I will tell you
So that the leaves can die.
~Nancy Wood

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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