Friday, February 24, 2006

Friday, February 24, 2006 - Gardening dreams

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for gardening dreams.

The mild temperatures have returned and so have my gardening dreams. I've been so busy working and knitting that I haven't studied the stack of seed and plant catalogues that began arriving in December. Nevertheless, my list of gardening chores grows longer each time I survey the various plots. Needs trimming. Needs mulch. Needs to be hoed. Needs to be repotted. Needs to be reseeded.

I managed to order three Goji berry bushes last fall (they're suppose to be easy to grow in arid conditions). I expect them in early April. I also received a High Country Gardens gift certificate for Christmas so I can buy some of the "must have" perennials on my wish list.

This year, I'm considering growing some edible plants. Nothing exotic. Just a few items that I use repeatedly in my summer cuisine. Jalapeno and habanero peppers for salsa. Basil for pesto. Gourmet lettuce for salads. Raspberries for dessert.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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