Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Tuesday, 8 November 2005 - Packets of seeds

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for packets of seeds, ready for fall and winter planting.

They arrived a few days ago - the organic/heritage seeds I ordered from Plants of the Southwest. I didn't order anything exotic - just seeds for plants that I know will grow in the backyard.

Desert Four o'Clock (mirabilis multiflora) - The plants I bought grew very well in my xeric garden in the front yard - actually matured and flowered beautifully about two months after planting. I decided to try to grow them from seed in the back yard. The plant has a very long taproot that helps it survive our arid summers. I bought 100 seeds and planted 40 today.

Three-leaf Sumac (rhus trilobata) - You see these plants in gardens throughout Colorado. I'm trying to grow mine from seed. I planted several seeds along the north fence - the shrubs will form a border for my wildflower gardens. The description on the seed packet tells me that this sumac variety has tart berries that I can use to make a lemony drink.

New Mexico Privet (forestiera neomexicana) - This deciduous shrub can be pruned into a tree or left alone to form a hedge. It attracts birds (yeah!). I planted several seeds in the southwest corner of the yard - very fertile area since we covered the ground with dug-up sod.

High Plains Wildflowers - I will spread this "yummy" mixture over my larger plots to rejuvenate the garden. I like to plant these seeds around mid-winter just before a major snowstorm. I can't wait to see what flowers will bloom in the coming seasons.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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