Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday, 27 August 2008 - Another redpoint

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for another redpoint.

S, T and I are climbing on the Solar Slab at Red Rock Canyon. One route, an athletic 5.10a, challenges me every time I attempt it. In fact, I have yet to redpoint it (i.e., climb it cleanly) - I always manage to slip on the crux.

During my first attempt, I again struggle on the crux. The hand and footholds are very small and smooth so if I don't move precisely, if I don't balance perfectly, I'll fall. I map a possible route over the crux but can't link the moves successfully. I fall, regroup, and try again. I eventually finish the climb, glad that it's over but unhappy about my mistakes.

After S completes his climb, I get my second chance. During this attempt, I approach the crux thoughtfully, carefully considering my intended path, rehearsing the movement series before I begin it. This time, on a warm August afternoon that wears just a hint of autumn, I get my redpoint. S agrees that it's my best climb of the season.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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