Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tuesday, 18 December 2007 - Happy Birthday, T

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for T as we celebrate his 11th birthday.

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras

Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really. ~Agnes Sligh Turnbull

We begin the celebration in grand style with an early morning walk to the park with a detour through the snow crusted alley. During our first lap around the park, I let T sniff at will and walk at a leisurely pace. During the remaining laps, however, I make him walk faster so we get some exercise.

Anyway, T's more spoiled than usual today. His gifts include an Oakland Raiders fleece blanket, special food treats and lots of hugs and kisses.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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