Monday, December 31, 2007

Monday, 31 December 2007 - Endings and beginnings

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for endings and beginnings.

I share May Sarton's reflection because it mirrors my own feelings about the year about to end and the one about to begin.

The last day of what has been an uneasy and painful year for me. I look forward to dawn tomorrow and, as the days get longer, to begin to feel my way into renascence. It is not strange though it is mysterious that our "New Year" comes at the darkest time in the seasonal cycle. When there is personal darkness, when there is pain to be overcome, when we are forced to renew ourselves against all the odds, the psychic energy required simply to survive has tremendous force, as great as that of a bulb pushing up through icy ground in spring, so after the overcoming, there is extra energy, a flood of energy that can go into creation. ~May Sarton

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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