Today, I am thankful for my lesson (the one I repeat often because I still haven't passed the test).
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
~Joseph Campbell
How do you make God laugh? Show Him your plans.
~Notice posted on church marquee
Each time I go through a crisis, I always lament, "This is not how it was suppose to be."
Of course, I don't know how things are suppose to be for me. I do know that I do not have a fairy tale life so a happily ever after ending is impossible. I do know, however, that I have a destiny (and, hopefully, am traveling towards it).
My lesson from Life 101:
Let go of the life I had planned and exploit the opportunities that arise from the setback.
My result:
Things have an uncanny way of working out.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: T (with snow on his nose)
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