Today, I am thankful for Mozart for Your Mind.
Years ago, in the midst of the Mozart craze, I bought the CD, Mozart for Your Mind. I believed that the music would boost my brain power and productivity.
As soon as I settled in my office, I turned on the CD. I listened to the music continuously while I worked. The music acted like "white" noise, blocking distractions and helping me concentrate on the task at hand.
In those days, I worked outside the home for 70+ hours a week (off on Saturday but in on Sunday after church). I was at the height of my corporate career and did some of my best work under very stressful and challenging conditions. Mozart can't take all the credit for my success. I was also very passionate about my work and lead a team of incredible people.
Now I listen to the same Mozart CD when I'm working and writing in my home studio. My challenges are different and stress level reduced. Still, I am more focused and productive when the music drifts quietly in the background.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: Red Rock Canyon (from yesterday's outing) - I love the clear blue sky. In contrast, today's sky was gray and overcast as another snowstorm moved through the region.
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