Today, I am thankful for four cadets.
We are often so caught up
in our destination,
that we forget to appreciate the journey,
especially the goodness of the people
we meet along the way.
Appreciation is a wonderful feeling.
Don't overlook it.
~Author Unknown
I am quite impressed with the group of four Air Force Academy cadets who are climbing next to us in Garden of the Gods. They are polite, courteous and friendly towards us - one 40-something and two 50-something adults who are old enough to be their parents or (yikes) grandparents. T, our chocolate Lab, also appreciates the extra attention and pats on the head.
My husband asks if they're planning to attend flight school after graduation. The two upper classmen say yes. My heart skips a beat. If the Iraqi war continues for a few more years, at least one of them may see combat duty.
So, on this late summer afternoon in Colorado Springs, I'm glad they were able to leave the rigors of Academy life and join us for a few hours of climbing.
For this blessing, I am grateful.
Photo: While we climb, T pursues one of his favorite activities - chewing on a stick.
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