Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday, 20 August 2006 - Homemade bread

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for our new breadmaking machine.

Give us this day our daily bread. ~Matthew 6:11

This summer, we've been eating a lot of bread. A slice goes well with a large green salad (to sop up the last of the balsamic vinegar dressing) or a bowl of tortilla soup (to sop up the hot, peppery broth). I like to buy the "good" stuff - good, but expensive.

I've tried to make yeast bread, but to no avail. After hearing positive testimonies from friends who use breadmakers, I finally bought a used one on eBay. It arrived yesterday.

I immediately unpacked it, read the instruction manual, researched high altitude adjustments (we live at 6,800 feet) selected the French bread recipe and made a loaf.

It was so simple. To the pan, add the four ingredients in this order: purified water, sea salt, organic flour, yeast. Insert the pan into the machine. Program the instructions: French bread, regular yeast, 1.5 pound loaf, medium crust. Then, hit the start button. That's it!

Our reward: hot, perfectly baked crusty bread in under 4 hours.

Incidentally, T, our chocolate Lab, loves bread. While the machine worked, he "guarded" it by sleeping on the kitchen floor near the counter. He does the same thing when I roast meat in the oven. Silly boy!

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Photo: Potentilla (coral) and Feverfew (white) from the front yard garden

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