Monday, August 22, 2005

Monday, 22 August 2005 - A simple prayer of forgiveness

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a simple prayer of forgiveness.

If anyone has hurt me or harmed me
Knowingly or unknowingly
In thought, word, or deed,
I freely forgive them.
And I too ask forgiveness
If I have hurt anyone or harmed anyone
Knowingly or unknowingly
In thought, word, or deed.

May I be happy
May I be peaceful
May I be free

May my friends be happy
May my friends be peaceful
May my friends be free

May my enemies be happy
May my enemies be peaceful
May my enemies be free

May all things be happy
May all things be peaceful
May all things be free.

~ Buddhist prayer

I rue the fact that I still hold grudges - not too many but enough that I'm annoyed by my inability to let go and move on. I found this Buddhist prayer on the web and adopted it as my own. I subsitute the word, friends, with a person's name during the recitation. I like the prayer's simplicity. Furthermore, in the short time I've used it, I am amazed at its ability to dissolve my bitterness towards myself and others.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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