Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tuesday, 26 July 2005 - Good beginnings

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for good beginnings.

"A bad beginning makes a bad ending." ~Euripides (480? - 406 BC), Greek dramatist

I like to begin new projects, especially those with no precedent for success or failure. I love the challenge and requirements for creativity, resourcefulness and leadership. I thrive on the chaos and uncertainty. And, I love the moment when I realize that everything is coming together.

I guess that's why I'm struggling to finish my latest assignment - a critique of a company's current website. The website needs a lot of work if it's to become an effective marketing and communications tool. It's hard for me to examine this finished product and explain to the owner what's right (very little) and wrong (many things). Now, if I had been there at the beginning, the result would have been different and hopefully, much better.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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