Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday, 31 July 2005 - Newspapers

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for newspapers.

Some habits are too hard to break. I know I'm dating myself by admitting that for over 45 years, reading the newspaper has been an integral part of my morning ritual.

As a second grader, I first discovered the Los Angeles Times' comics section and learned to follow the LA Dodgers during baseball season. Whenever I moved to another city, one of the first things I'd do is subscribe to the local papers.

Even though my favorite newspapers boast online editions with up-to-the-minute stories and archives, I prefer the hardcopy versions. Must be a sensory thing. I can't imagine life without:
  • The thud newspapers make each morning as they land on the driveway.
  • Removing the paper from the plastic sleeve (we use the sleeve to pick-up T's poops in.the park).
  • Opening the paper to the front page so I can read the morning headline.
  • Holding the paper open with both hands so I can study a fascinating photo spread.
  • The familiar rustling sound of thin newsprint as I turn the pages and smooth the wrinkles.
  • Clipping a well-written article or a really tempting recipe for safekeeping in a file.
  • Clipping a favorite cartoon (usually involving a dog) for posting on the refrigerator door.
I'm sure I could adapt to electronic copy, but my mornings just wouldn't be the same. As it is, I already spend too much time on the computer. And, of utmost concern, how does one complete the crosswords and other puzzles without an old-fashioned pencil and eraser?!!

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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