Sunday, July 31, 2005

Sunday, 31 July 2005 - Newspapers

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for newspapers.

Some habits are too hard to break. I know I'm dating myself by admitting that for over 45 years, reading the newspaper has been an integral part of my morning ritual.

As a second grader, I first discovered the Los Angeles Times' comics section and learned to follow the LA Dodgers during baseball season. Whenever I moved to another city, one of the first things I'd do is subscribe to the local papers.

Even though my favorite newspapers boast online editions with up-to-the-minute stories and archives, I prefer the hardcopy versions. Must be a sensory thing. I can't imagine life without:
  • The thud newspapers make each morning as they land on the driveway.
  • Removing the paper from the plastic sleeve (we use the sleeve to pick-up T's poops in.the park).
  • Opening the paper to the front page so I can read the morning headline.
  • Holding the paper open with both hands so I can study a fascinating photo spread.
  • The familiar rustling sound of thin newsprint as I turn the pages and smooth the wrinkles.
  • Clipping a well-written article or a really tempting recipe for safekeeping in a file.
  • Clipping a favorite cartoon (usually involving a dog) for posting on the refrigerator door.
I'm sure I could adapt to electronic copy, but my mornings just wouldn't be the same. As it is, I already spend too much time on the computer. And, of utmost concern, how does one complete the crosswords and other puzzles without an old-fashioned pencil and eraser?!!

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Saturday, July 30, 2005

Saturday, 30 July 2005 - Encouragement

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for timely words of encouragement from an unexpected source.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Friday, July 29, 2005

Friday, 29 July 2005 - Colorado peaches

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for just-picked, vine-ripened Colorado peaches.

I await their arrival all year long. And now, they're here.

Colorado peaches from Austin Farms. The undisputed queen of summer fruits.

Organically grown ~ Perfectly formed ~ Beautifully colored ~ Simply luscious

I bought a flat holding 18 large specimens. Once they ripen just a little bit more, we will begin the feast.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Thursday, July 28, 2005

Thursday, 28 July 2005 - Music that inspires my writing

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for music that inspires my writing.

Some days I prefer to work in silence. On others, I enjoy background music from a favorite CD. Today's choice: Applachian Journey featuring three string virtuosos: Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer and Mark O'Conner (with special guests James Taylor and Alison Krauss).

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Wednesday, 27 July 2005 - A reason to write

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a reason to write.

Writer's block visits me frequently these days. Must be the summer doldrums. Or, perhaps I'm too distracted by the long list of gardening chores or a very messy studio begging for order.

But, writing is my job, my chosen career. So, I must dig down deep to find a reason to labor - to write at least one good sentence before noon. Sometimes, the only thing that keeps me writing is knowing that I have something to say.

Now, whether or not my words make sense to the rest of the world is another story. At least my heart understands my intent - good, bad or otherwise.

There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside of you. ~ Maya Angelou
Why do writers write? Because it isn't there. ~ Thomas Berger

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Tuesday, 26 July 2005 - Good beginnings

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for good beginnings.

"A bad beginning makes a bad ending." ~Euripides (480? - 406 BC), Greek dramatist

I like to begin new projects, especially those with no precedent for success or failure. I love the challenge and requirements for creativity, resourcefulness and leadership. I thrive on the chaos and uncertainty. And, I love the moment when I realize that everything is coming together.

I guess that's why I'm struggling to finish my latest assignment - a critique of a company's current website. The website needs a lot of work if it's to become an effective marketing and communications tool. It's hard for me to examine this finished product and explain to the owner what's right (very little) and wrong (many things). Now, if I had been there at the beginning, the result would have been different and hopefully, much better.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Monday, July 25, 2005

Monday, 25 July 2005 - Time alone

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for time alone to think, reflect, dream and pray.

Every month or so, when S is on a business trip, my time alone stretches to a few days. Other times, I gather a few minutes here and there to take care of my personal growth agenda. Most days, I have an hour - sixty important minutes devoted to looking inward and assessing the state of my heart and soul.
  • Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? ~Winnie the Pooh
  • Never be afraid to sit awhile and think. ~Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun
  • Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and that's where I renew my springs that never dry up. ~Pearl S. Buck
  • I have a great deal of company in the house, especially in the morning when nobody calls. ~Henry David Thoreau

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sunday, 24 July 2005 - Lance Armstrong

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for Lance Armstrong.

How fortunate that Lance Armstrong accomplished his feats during my lifetime! Ralph Waldo Emerson must have written these famous words just for Lance:

Do not follow where the path may lead.
Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.

Today, we watch as he rides up the Champs-Elysees for the last time, celebrating his unprecedented seventh consecutive win. Tears fill my eyes as he salutes his fans from atop the podium.

Yes, I am sad to see him retire from professional cycling for I've followed his amazing career from the beginning. Life, however, is a book. The long chapter on his cycling career ends today and a new one, yet untitled, begins tomorrow. For Lance, destiny reaches far beyond the cycling world. He knows it and is ready to move on.

Lance has inspired me to "livestrong" and to follow my dreams (because dreams do come true). Also, thanks to him, yellow is now one of my favorite colors.

Through good and bad times, he has shown that his heart is as big as the universe - most fitting for a true hero, an incredible athlete and a very remarkable person.

Thanks, Lance.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Saturday, 23 July 2005 - Two important results

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for two important results.

First, Lance Armstrong won the individual time trial stage, his first win of the season. Tomorrow, as the world watches, he will ride into Paris for the last time, the winner of his seventh consecutive Tour de France. In honor of his incredible achievements, S and I will proudly wear livestrong bracelets and sip champagne while T will don his own maillot jaune - a bright yellow bandana.

Second, as the clouds gathered in the sky early this afternoon, the temperature dropped quickly. Soon, we happily greeted a slow moving thunder and lightening storm, intermittent heavy rain and violent winds. I've invited the cooler, wetter weather to stay for the rest of this long, hot summer.
I'm still waiting for an RSVP.

For these blessings, I am grateful.


Friday, July 22, 2005

Friday, 22 July 2005 - K9 companionship and protection

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for T's companionship and protection.

You ask of my companions. Hills, sir, and the sundown, and a dog as large as myself that my father bought me. They are better than human beings, because they know but do not tell. ~Emily Dickinson

Labradors [are] lousy watchdogs. They usually bark when there is a stranger about, but it is an expression of unmitigated joy at the chance to meet somebody new, not a warning. ~Norman Strung

When S is away on business, T is my constant companion and guardian. Although he barks when the door bell rings or when he hears the UPS or FedEx truck stop near our house, he's not the best watchdog on the block. An intruder would have a relatively easy time if S & I weren't home - give T a dog bone or throw him a tennis ball and he's your friend for life. Still, I feel safe with him in the house while I work and by my side during our morning and evening walks.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Thursday, 21 July 2005 - Our very small corner of the world

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for our very small corner of the world.

Our block is in transition again. A couple from Oregon bought Paul's house - they moved in this week. Heather sold her house on the corner to someone who wants to rent the property - so far, no new tenants.

S and I are among the "anchors" - original homeowners who have witnessed the ebb and flow of neighborhood life during the past 18+ years. We love our home - our neighbors have become our extended family with all the benefits and distractions. After nearly two decades, we're firmly rooted in Colorado soil.

Since we don't know what the future holds for us, our living situation may change next year or even next month (perhaps we'll have an opportunity to live in Europe!). But for now, S, T and I are content to claim this very small corner of the world - the familiar place where our lives unfold daily and time marches on.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Wednesday, 20 July 2005 - Winter memories

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for memories of cold and snowy winters as I seek comfort outside on this very hot and unusually muggy evening.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Tuesday, 19 July 2005 - My dad

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for my dad who is celebrating his 80th birthday. I hope he has an absolutely perfect day!

For this blessing, I am very grateful.


Monday, July 18, 2005

Monday, 18 July 2005 - My bicycle

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for my Specialized mountain bike and the strength and stamina to ride it.

The bicycle, the bicycle surely, should always be the vehicle of novelists and poets. ~Christopher Morley

Inspired by this year's Tour de France and Lance Armstrong, I've decided to begin training on my bicycle again so I can accompany my husband on the tandem. I haven't ridden seriously since 1995 when I had arthroscopic surgery on my right knee to repair a torn lateral meniscus. At the time, I was in the best shape of my life.

After surgery, I knew I had to temper my obsessive body building addiction. So, I adopted a more moderate daily routine of light weight lifting, power walking, Callanetics and Pilates. I added boxing (hitting a heavy bag and speed bag) this year.

I don't want to become a "spoke head" like my husband and his buddies. I do, however, plan to enjoy the exercise (I love climbing hills and we have an abundance in Colorado). And, as always, I will wear a bright yellow "livestrong" wristband, a reminder to relish the thrill of the ride.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sunday, 17 July 2005 - Leftovers

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for leftovers and a husband who doesn’t mind eating them.

Although I love to cook, my creativity and energy for this art form has its ups and downs. So, on "Iron Chef" inspired mornings when the kitchen is cool and calm, I cook up a storm, filling the refrigerator with meals to last a week or so. T, sits at my feet awaiting small tastes of my creations (we call him Chef Underfoot, aka sous chef).

S eats from our cache during the week. He doesn’t mind as long as he can refuel from his bike rides and gym workouts with something tasty (and, thankfully, nutritious).

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Saturday, July 16, 2005

Saturday, 16 July 2005 - Local recycling center

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for our conveniently located recycling center where we donate glass, cardboard and other items ineligible for curbside pick-up. I just wish that more of our neighbors would join us in our recycling efforts.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Friday, July 15, 2005

Friday, 15 July 2005 - Siestas

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for siestas.

After working from home the past few years, I know that the Europeans and Latin Americans have it right. From late spring to early autumn, an afternoon nap during the hottest hours of the day does wonders for one's productivity, energy and outlook on life.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Thursday, July 14, 2005

Thursday, 14 July 2005 - An answered prayer

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for an answered prayer.

Every day this summer, I pray for rain. Not a torrential downpour that brings flash flooding warnings. Just a nice late afternoon shower that waters the plants and washes the dust and heat from the neighborhood.

My persistence finally paid off.

Early this evening, as the indoor temperature approaches 90 degrees F, a thunderstorm rolls into the valley. The sky darkens quickly. Within minutes, the entertainment begins - rumbling, grumbling thunder and a spectacular lightening show. Best of all, the storm brings a most delightful gift - rain, glorious rain. The perfect remedy for a wilting garden and my tired spirit.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Wednesday, 13 July 2005 - A cool evening breeze

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a cool evening breeze.

Whew! The past few afternoons have been so hot that I wish we had air conditioning. Our upstairs offices trap the warm air so it's almost impossible to work in the afternoon. I've already watered the garden twice this week. Poor T sleeps most of the day, finally waking up at sunset.

Tonight, a breeze is visiting our hot and stuffy house (finally). Its gift of refreshment is like an iced cold drink - I sip it slowly, hoping that the cooling effect lasts for hours.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Tuesday, 12 July 2005 - Relief on a hot summer's day

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful on T's behalf for relief on a hot summer's day.

During the so-called "dog days" of summer, the following equation applies at our house:

Relief for one very hot = frequent cold water drenchings with the garden hose
Chocolate lab

For this blessing, T and I are grateful.


Monday, July 11, 2005

Monday, 11 July 2005 - A useful garden

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a useful garden.

I read that the best garden is one that produces food for the table. Why waste all that precious water on flowers?

I feel a little guilty about this. I am really good at growing ornamental plants but very poor at raising veggies and herbs (once the bugs takeover, I give up).

I inspect my garden this morning, just like I always do after T and I return from our walk. The air holds a slight chill so I welcome the rising sun's heat on my face and arms.

Initially, the garden appears to be sleeping - no movement or sounds to indicate activity. 'Tis a deception, however.

In a minute or two, I hear the distinct hum of the bees as they collect sweet nectar from the various blooms. I notice one large butterfly flitting happily near the hot pink dianthus, its bright yellow wings matching the daisies' centers. I also watch a rare Monarch as it dances near the fading penstemons. One familiar visitor, the fat red-breasted robin, sits on the fence, awaiting his turn to forage for worms and grubs (he sings to me that the early bird does catch the worm).

So, all is not lost. My garden does sustain the food chain - just further down the ranks than some would expect. Just ask my satisfied customers - the scores of bees and butterflies that rendevous in my garden each day for a sip of fresh nectar and the latest neighborhood gossip.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Sunday, 10 July 2005 - Fresh corn on the cob

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for fresh corn on the cob - near peak season, locally grown, organic.

When I see the display of fresh corn at the natural foods store, I can't resist buying six large ears as a surprise for S (he loves corn, but usually settles for the frozen kind). When I arrive home with my treasures, I prepare them for lunch.

I carefully strip away the husks and silk before rinsing the lustrous pale yellow kernals under a stream of cold water (the kernals remind me of pearls) . I break each ear in two. Then, I boil them in salted water for 5 long minutes (we live at 6,800 feet so cooking takes longer than at sea level).

S and I eat them piping hot, straight from the cauldron of boiling water. Plain. No added butter, oils, spices or other adornments.

With each juicy bite, our taste buds revel in the sweet-as-honey flavor. The kernals literally melt in our mouths.

So, here's another gastronomic joy that I add to my bank of summer memories - the collection that I'm counting on to help me endure next winter's coldest and bleakest days.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Saturday, 9 July 2005 - Providence

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for providence.

My older sister who lives in the UK is safe and sound. In her recent email, she tells me that she knows very well the Underground station where the bombings occurred. She had planned a shopping trip to London on Thursday, but decided at the last minute not to go. The visit would have taken her close to the bombing site.

Yes, she's lucky. But in my heart of hearts, I know it was providence at work.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Friday, July 08, 2005

Friday, 8 July 2005 - Life's lessons and blessings

Dear God:

Today, in the aftermath of the London bombings, I am thankful for life's lessons and blessings.

Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel.
~Author Unknown

When eating bamboo sprouts, remember the man who planted them.
~Chinese Proverb

The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings. ~Eric Hoffer, Reflections On The Human Condition

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

After learning of the horrific terrorist bombings in London, I realized that I still take too much for granted in my life.

So, here it is. Another lesson to master on my way towards earning that PhD in life. Another opportunity for significant personal transformation. Another chance to step up to the plate and hit a home run. Nothing earth shaking. Just a necessary and painful step in my journey as a human becoming.

As T and I circle the park this morning, I give thanks for all the precious elements that create a life worth having. I begin with the general - food, clothing, shelter, family, friends, clean water - and work my way to the personal. The list grows with each step.

I also vow to work harder to control my critical nature (I'm convinced that the Serenity Prayer was written just for me) and to be more generous with my time, talents and resources (I can always give a little more). And, I agree to "let go and let God" (easier said than done but I'm willing to try again).

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Thursday, 7 July 2005 - A new style

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a new style that reflects my creative life.

I cleaned my closet again (for the umpteenth time), removing items I haven't worn in a year. As I survey the remaining clothes (still too many I'm sure), I realize that my style is definitely changing. No longer do I see a corporate executive's wardrobe or a fashionista's impulse buys. Instead, the funky yet practical wardrobe of a work-at-home writer and artist prevails.

Since I wear a petite 2, I prefer simple clothes made from beautiful fabrics (a taste I acquired when I sewed most of my wardrobe). Today, I choose pieces in lovely colors and scaled-down patterns - no more sensible black, wool knit clothing.

And, yes, while I still peruse the J Crew and Banana Republic catalogues, I covet Anthropologie's feminine and bohemian-inspired clothes and accessories.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Wednesday, 6 July 2005 - A touch of yellow

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a touch of yellow.

In my backyard garden, splashes of bright yellow are a welcome accent to the predominate blue and purple and pink palette.

I'm amazed at the impeccable timing of the appearance of these gold-hued daisies and poppies - just in time to celebrate the fact that Lance Armstrong now wears the maillot jaune (yellow jersey) in le Tour de France. C'est magnifique!

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tuesday, 5 July 2005 - A compliment

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a compliment - 'twas totally unexpected and graciously accepted.

I can live for two months on a good compliment. ~ Mark Twain

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Monday, July 04, 2005

Monday, 4 July 2005 - Freedom

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for freedom as defined by the United States Constitution - my right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." And, yes, I have learned that freedom isn't free.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Sunday, 3 July 2005 - A writer's golden rule

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a writer's golden rule.

Write injuries in sand, kindnesses in marble. ~ French proverb

Many years ago, a mentor advised me to write very carefully if the poem, story, report or essay is for public consumption. He noted that, when I give a speech, my audience won't remember my exact words the next day (they will remember the spirit in which I delivered my message and my passion). With published works, however, my words will be set in stone.

So, here's some time-tested advice to beginning writers. I based these "rules" on what I've learned during my 45 year adventure as a writer and editor.
  1. Be positive.
  2. Use active verbs.
  3. Say what you mean.
  4. If a sentence is too confusing, turn it into two sentences.
  5. Read what you've written out loud (if you stumble over a phrase, revise it).
  6. Edit ruthlessly.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 as often as needed.
  8. Find a trustworthy and competent editor. Listen to his/her advice.
  9. Read, read, read (so you can recognize excellent writing).
  10. Imitation is fine but, eventually, you must find your own voice.
For this blessing, I am grateful.


Saturday, July 02, 2005

Saturday, 2 July 2005 - Le Tour de France

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for the start of the 2005 Tour de France (and, sadly, Lance Armstrong's final professional race).

I was first introduced to the Tour de France in seventh grade during French class. Our textbook told the story of this great race. Already an avid sports fan, I began following the event by reading the LA Times sports page. Although I was friends with several serious cyclists during my UCLA years, I only rode my bike to and from campus. My sport at the time was long distance running, preferably the half marathon distance. My husband, however, was always a serious cyclist, regularly exploring California, Arizona, and Colorado on two wheels. I credit him with teaching me everything I know about the sport.

In Austin, TX, tennis was our sport of choice - S and I played almost daily. I could hit a mean forehand crosscourt and precisely place a down-the-line two-handed backhand. We were such fanatics that my husband called the US Open Championships the "high holy weeks" of summer.

When we moved to Colorado over 18 years ago, we hung up our tennis rackets to pursue a variety of outdoor activities including cycling. Although we follow the three major European championships - the Giro d'Italia, the Tour de France, and the Vuelta `a Espana, our "high holy weeks" embrace the Tour. We tape OLN's daily coverage, follow our favorite cyclists and teams as stories emerge on the web, and discuss the event with our cycling friends.

In winter, snow dominates the landscape and temperatures dip into the teens - very poor riding conditions. On evenings when another TV program just won't do, we dust off our Tour de France tape collection, find the year that fits our mood, and relive favorite stages over and over again.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


Friday, July 01, 2005

Friday, 1 July 2005 - Labs and their short hair

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful that Labrador retrievers have short hair.

As we walk around the park this evening, T and I watch from afar as a woman carefully brushes her long-haired dog. With each stroke, a fist-sized clump of hair falls on the grass. By the time we walk by the makeshift grooming area, dozens of wispy hair balls litter the greenbelt.

I greet the woman and empathize with her plight. She confesses that her house is so full of hair that she decided it was time to brush the dog outdoors. She smiles and tells me how lucky I am that T has short hair. I agree.

When we arrive home, I tell S about the woman and her plight. I promise not to complain about T's shedding for the time being (at least the Dyson vacuum cleaner does its job very well in our house).

I give T a special hug and an extra treat - just because.

For this blessing, I am grateful.
