Friday, June 24, 2005

Friday, 24 June 2005 - A refreshing evening rain shower

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for a refreshing evening rain shower.

Just as S, T and I leave the house for our evening walk, the lightening and thunder concert begins. Lap number one around the park - huge rain drops pelt us, dark storm clouds gather overhead.

We opt for a second lap - T is very energetic after sunset. The rain falls steadily. Powerful lightening bolts provide the light show while loud thunder claps rule the airways. The three of us run-walk around the last straight away. T thinks we're playing a new game and gets tangled in his lead. We exit the park, running along the sidewalk towards home.

The rain feels good - washing away some of the dust my body collected this afternoon while spreading pine mulch on the garden. We reach the front porch just as the storm intensifies.

Rain, beautiful rain for my thirsty garden.
A cool breeze pushes the hot, muggy air from the house.
I think we'll all sleep well tonight.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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