Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Tuesday, 22 March 2005 - Clean water

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for clean water.

As I scan today's newspaper, I see yet another story about tsunami victims who cannot obtain enough clean drinking water. They queue for hours for a gallon or two of the precious life-sustaining liquid. A woman's desperation, a man's frustration, a child's confusion - the accompanying photographs convey the futility that colors this lose-lose situation.

I study the glass of purified water that I poured just a few minutes ago - a commodity that I take for granted. Suddenly, I feel very fortunate to have the basics of life so readily available to me: food, water, clothing, shelter, good mental and physical health, and hope for a better future. Indeed, I am a very wealthy person.

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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