Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tuesday, 15 February 2005 - Small extravagances

Dear God:

Today, I am thankful for small extravagances.

I grocery shop on Tuesdays or Fridays. On those days, the local co-ops deliver fresh organic produce to my favorite natural foods stores. I try to buy in-season as much as possible. In winter, however, I often tire of the selection - hard squash, root vegetables and broccoli; citrus fruit, pears and apples. Sometimes, I crave just a small taste of summer to lighten our winter menu of soups and stews and casseroles. Occasionally, the craving overtakes my sensibilities, and I indulge in a small extravagance.

I walk over to the gourmet produce section and admire the out-of-season fruits and vegetables. My heartbeat quickens as my eyes rest on the display of tender asparagus priced at a mere $7.00 a pound. After taking a minute to determine if we can afford this luxury, I decide that we can. I happily select the best looking bunch and carefully place it in the cart. As I head for the check-out stand, I can already taste the star of tonight's dinner: fresh asparagus dressed in an olive oil drizzle and sea salt sprinkle, then roasted to perfection. Bon appetit!

For this blessing, I am grateful.


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